What’s Best About Our Church…

A few weeks ago at church I asked us to fill out a survey about our church. I was looking for feedback on our strengths and areas that we could improve. Some of the best answers though came from the question, “What is the best thing about PEMC”. So what I did was break down all the answers into word, and put into a wordle (which is the cool graphic below).

So if you attend our church my guess is that some of these words are the reasons. And if you don’t attend our church now you can know a bit about what the flavor is like here.

Church’s are meant to be a blessing to others. And this church has been a blessing to me. But regardless of whatever church you attend why not be a blessing back to your church? Take a moment and write to your leadership, your pastor, or person who you serve with sharing with them why you love them and the church. Share a blessing to the people and place who have blessed you…

Wordle: What PEMC Is...

Following Leads to Becoming…

Yesterday I shared a bit on how Jesus invites regular and ordinary people to follow him. Through that invitation he is actually inviting us to become like him. When you follow someone you become like them. And Jesus has invited each of us to follow him to become like him and invite others on the same journey.

I ended with challenging us to invite people to follow Jesus; and also to recognize, affirm, and encourage people when they are becoming like Jesus. I encouraged us to say to people – that we see Jesus in them and how they act.

And yesterday proved one thing to me so clearly: that Jesus is within PEMC and shapes you.

Yesterday the church welcomed me and my family officially. We’ve already been welcomed into the family, and made to feel apart of it by so many but yesterday was more of the official welcome Sunday. As part of that welcome Krista and I were not only so surprised but so overwhelmed by the support of the church. And I think for the first time in Krista’s life she was made speechless. People gave gift cards, notes of encouragement, food, homemade preserves, and there was even a cake.

So I simply want to say to PEMC:

  • I see Jesus in the way you are generous;
  • I see Jesus in the way you care;
  • I see Jesus in the way you welcome
  • I see Jesus in how you are open and vulnerable;

In short, I see Jesus in you…