Finding God on Your iPod

Well on Sunday we are launching a brand new series here at church: Finding God on your iPod. We are going to be looking at songs that reveal truth, and have impacted my relationship with God.

Some of the songs you might know, some you might not. But the beautiful thing is that God is all around us and ready to speak to us through so many ways. And we hope to find one way that God speaks to us on Sunday is through music.

I’ve found that at very specific and important times in my life God’s spoken through a song.

So we want to explore some of those over the summer.

But before we get there, what about you? What songs has God used to speak to you? How did he reveal his truth or a thought to you? I’d love to hear what songs God has spoke to you through, and who knows maybe I’ll use one!

god on ipod series

Path’s that Lead to God: Creating

The maid who sweeps her kitchen is doing the will of God just as much as the monk who prays – not because she may sing a Christian hymn as she sweeps but because God loves clean floors. The Christian shoemaker does his Christian duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship. – Martin Luther

We were created in the image of God. Therefore we were created, as creators. God in his creativity shaped us, molded us, and breathed life into us. We too are called to do the same thing: to create, shape, mold, and breathe life into the world around us.

Some of us can do that through beautiful artwork. Others can build homes. Others can cook and create a scrumptious meal. The point is that we are each gifted and using the gifts God gave us can draw us closer to God.

In Exodus we read that God gifted people to use their hands, skills, and crafts to build his temple (Exodus 35:30-36:7). And through them working and using their gifts, they honored God, connected with God, and became like God through creating.

So for me one path that draws me closer to God is creating. I love to create pictures with words, phrases, and thoughts. I love to create delight through meals that sometimes are spectacular and other times a mess. I love to create through painting a picture as an expression of life. Prayer is not simply closing your eyes and thinking. Prayer is connecting with God, and one of the best ways is to honor the gifts God gave you.

So what can you create that draws you closer to God? Can you shape and mold wood to bring something to life? Are your cupcakes the best in the neighborhood? Or does the interplay of space and tone in music give your soul a boost? Do you love to create life through soil, water, sunshine, and seeds? Whatever it is ~ find a way to create and use it to connect to the God who gifted you…